I Tried LipSense – Is it Worth the Hype?

May 31, 2017 149 Comments
I tried Lipsense

If you haven’t heard about LipSense by now then you’re either living in a cave somewhere or on another planet because they are literally all over the internet and Instagram and there’s a huge hype about the product. I recently got sent one of their lip colors to test and try in exchange for an honest review.

So here it goes, LipSense is a three piece lip applicator system that comes with the Lip Color, the Lip Gloss and the Remover.

LipSense Lipstick, Lip Gloss and Remover
LipSense Lipstick, Lip Gloss and Remover

They claim to be Smudge Proof, Kiss Proof and Water Proof. Does it really work? Is it really worth all the hype? Well, let’s find out…

My LipSense package came in a cute little bag with decorative paper and with a set of very specific instructions for application which was very helpful.

LipSense Package
LipSense Package

The lip color that I received is called Fly Girl which is like a deep red on my skin tone.

LipSense Fly Girl Lip Stick
LipSense Fly Girl Lip Stick

I made sure that my lips were clean and dry before application. While applying my first layer, I did immediately feel a little tingling that went away after a while. I did follow the instructions and waited 5 to 10 seconds for it to dry before applying my other two layers. After the last layer dried I applied the Lip Gloss and the results were not what I expected. Without the Lip Gloss it would just be dull and dry on the lips.  It’s like having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly…it just doesn’t work. The lip gloss is a must! It made everything come together giving me a very vibrant and sexy look.

Here is a video of me trying it out:

End Result:

LipSense Lipstick in the Color Fly Girl
LipSense Lipstick in the Color Fly Girl

I did put this lipstick through the test of time. I ate plenty of different things throughout the day like chips, nachos, cookies and also drank coffee and other fluids and left no lip stain on my coffee mug or straw. The smudge proof is definitely real. Later in the day I  went to the gym, even though I was the only one with my lipstick popping while working out. Hey! There’s nothing wrong with looking fly at the gym. However, after and hour and a half I did manage to work up a sweat and the lipstick still held up well for the most part.

Lipstick Still Holding up After the Gym
Lipstick Still Holding up After the Gym

As you can see from the picture, my lips weren’t as glossy as before but keep in mind that at that time it was going on 6 hours and I didn’t reapply any lip gloss, which you are suppose to do throughout the day, but I wanted to see how long I could go without reapplying the lip gloss. Another thing is that the lipstick started disappearing on my waterline on the inside of my bottom lip, not that it was obvious, so it really wasn’t a big deal for me.

When I got home after the gym, I did apply some lip gloss to get rid of that dry feeling and the lipstick looked like I had put on a fresh coat. I was impressed! This is a photo taken from my Instagram Stories right after I reapplied my lip gloss for the first time.

First Lip Gloss Reapplication
First Lip Gloss Reapplication

I had fun testing out this lipstick from LipSense. I’m always in search of a new lip product that can work wonders and LipSense definitely did that for me. The wear that this lipstick provides is unbelievable and I would definitely make it part of my collection.

If you’re thinking about adding LipSense to your collection here are some things to think about:


  1. Wear; It does literally lasts for hours; I didn’t test it for up to 18 hours because after 10 hours without any other lipstick application I was sold.
  2. No Reapplication Required; If you’re going to an event and don’t want to worry about your lipstick smudging and wearing off then LipSense is the way to go. All you need is the Lip Gloss.
  3. No Animal Testing; Cruelty free, Lead Free, and Vegan


  1. Price; It is on the pricier side but now I know that the benefits of the lipstick and it’s long lasting power can justify that.
  2. Time; The application of the lipstick takes a bit more time than your normal lipsticks because you have to wait for the coats to dry in between which can be time consuming.
  3. Tingling/Alcohol Content; There is a little tingling when you first apply it but it goes away very quickly. There was also a slight alcohol smell but it wasn’t overpowering at all.

All in all am I impressed with LipSense? Yes! Will I recommend it? Yes! Did it do everything that it claimed? Yes, and then some!

To order LipSense products you can contact Melissa, an Independent Lipsense Distributor (#252461) so she can hook your lips up or contact her on Instagram at @melissagetslippy

By PuckerUpBabe

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