If you’ve read my last blog you’ll find that I’m starting to shift my nail polish collection into more long wearing nail polishes so as to save money in the long run. I recently un-boxed my butter London Glitz and Glam Set to find that there are three more polishes, a lippy and an eyeliner. That was a pleasant surprise that I got for making a purchase over $50.
There’s a new deal going on right now with a $50 purchase. Snag it here with promo CATWALKREADY. This deal has a $62 value so jump on it now while supplies last.
It was definitely worth it as I can say I got double the products for the price of one. This girl is not complaining!

The set included:
Nail Polish Lucy in the Sky
Nail Polish Pink Ribbon. Buy it on Amazon.
Nail Polish Knees Up. Buy it on Amazon.
Liquid Lipstick Snog
Liquid Eyeliner Union Jack

Of course there’s not better way to show off my lipstick for the day than with a selfie. I haven’t actually worn the Snog liquid lipstick that came in the Glam Set yet because I want to save that for another post but for this particular day I chose to wear Teddy Boy Lip Crayon by butter London because it’s easily becoming my go to when I’m having a hard time finding a matching lipstick.

I did wear a top coat of the Lucy in the Sky over one of my other nail polished and I did like the finish of it. This photo was also taken like six days after I put it one because I wanted to see how long it lasted and it did not disappoint.

Have you guys added butter London to your collection yet? Let PuckerUpBabe know in the comments below.