Mixing and Matching Nude Lipsticks

May 16, 2017 56 Comments

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So I’ve been trying to hold off on buying new lipsticks for a while until I can use up what I already have. With that said, I can get bored with wearing the same lipsticks quick so I’ve been trying different ways to make wearing my old lipsticks more fun.

Okay, so let’s get to it. I wore my Milani Matte Confident 67 and wanted it to be of a little lighter shade so I applied a topcoat of my Maybelline Totally Toffee 215 which lightened it up and resulted in a slightly brownish nude lip color. It was a completely new lip shade and it was totally free.

Not only does this help me to keep some change in my pocket, it’s fun and exciting to see what new shades your old lipsticks can bring forth.

Leave a comment and let me know what shades you’ve combined.

Puckerup XOXO

By PuckerUpBabe

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