I am convinced that this product was sent from the gods of lip care. As a frequent lipstick wearer, and for extended hours at a time, my lips tend to suffer from dryness as well as peeling. Rough, dry and peeling lips is never sexy, especially under some matte lipstick! I do still routinely scrub and exfoliate my lips but sometimes I just need something more to lock in that moisture and I believe I’ve finally found it.

Check out butter London’s amazing deals here. Get a Free Bonus Gift with any $50 purchase. You can also find it on Amazon.
butter London’s Lush Lip Oil in the shade Ballet Blush is the business. I’ve never purchased any form of lip oil before and that’s why I was motivated to get this one. This lip oil is packed with so much healing benefits and awesome ingredients like chia seed oil, pear seed oil and green tea extract that leaves your lips fully moisturized for up to like 4 hours.

One negative may be the price point for some of us but at $22 it’s definitely worth every penny. Packaging and application is simple and super easy with just two pumps that gives you the perfect amount to fully cover your lips. It glides on smoothly with a sheer tint of color and most importantly it’s not sticky, I can’t stand a sticky lip gloss!

Anyone tried butter London’s lip oil? Leave me some feedback in the comments below and let PuckerUpBabe know.