Red lipsticks are classic, timeless and here to stay forever. Every woman should have a favorite red lipstick as part of her makeup collection. You will not know the power of a red lip until you try it. You either love it or you hate it, but at least give it a try first. Not only does it instantly exudes glamour but confidence as well, plus it will transform and elevate your overall look like no other lipstick can. Who doesn’t want a lipstick that screams style, sexy, power and confidence all in one swipe? Count me in, please.
My go to red lipstick that I simply cannot live without is Ruby Woo by MAC. It’s a retro matte lipstick that will last all day long with only one application. When it comes to matte lipsticks I always prefer a brand by MAC because I have had better experiences with them, plus I find that the quality is a lot better than other brands that I’ve used in the past.
With that said, I want to run you through my very simple steps for my red lip application. Firstly, like I’ve said before in previous blogs, always prep your lips before wearing lipstick, especially with a matte lipstick. See my tips for beautiful pucker lips. Next, you want to add a little lip balm or chap stick to add moisture. Take a red lip liner. I use Redd by MAC and outline your lips and then you can apply your red lipstick. I also want to point out that you should never put red lipstick on without a mirror or in the car. Clean up your mistakes with a concealer for a more refined and flawless look and you’ll be ready to step out.
What is your go to red lipstick? Share your pics and comments below. Puckers to you xoxo.