Looking for your Perfect Nude Lip Shade? Your Nipple Will Tell You!

May 18, 2017 53 Comments

If you’ve been struggling to find the right nude lipstick as of late it might be because you’re looking in the wrong place. Experts have now discovered that you can find your perfect nude lip shade by looking at the color of your nipple. Yes!, your nipple folks!


What they’re claiming is that the shades of the nipple naturally compliments your skin tone and therefore you should look for a shade that is similar to compliment your lips as well. Check out the video below for proof.

This is the latest and one of the most interestingly bizarre beauty rage that has hit the fashion industry. Now, I’ve heard and seen a lot of weird things in the beauty industry but this one definitely took the cake for me.

Now what am I suppose to tell the salesperson when I’m out shopping for a nude lipstick? Am I suppose to just whack out my tits and say “I’m looking for this color nude lipstick?”

Who all are gonna give this trend a try? Comment below and let PuckerUpBabe know. XOXO

By PuckerUpBabe

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