Prissy in Pink Lipstick

Pink lipstick may be a hard color for many of us women to pull off but it just takes a [...]

By PuckerUpBabe

Fuchsia lipsticks have been one of my signature lip shade for 2014 and will definitely be on my holy grail [...]

If you're looking for that one lip color to revamp your lipstick collection then Burt's Bees Lip Crayon in shade [...]

If you're looking for an everyday effortless lipstick look then you will love Maybelline's Pink & Proper lipstick in shade [...]

It is still sad, cold and snowing on my side of town and I am definitely looking forward to Spring. [...]

I have tried many lip balms and I'm on a quest to find those that actually help to keep my [...]

There are times when I'm not looking for a specific lipstick so what I do is pick out a