Lip discoloration is more common than you think and many of us might believe that something is wrong with us, which it could very well be a medical condition, but often times that’s not the case.
Naturally, different parts of our bodies are not the same color and that goes for our lips as well. This is even more noticeable on people with a darker complexion in areas like the under arms, inner thighs and elbows.

The sun is a main culprit in causing discoloration on different parts of our bodies including our lips, hence why medical experts emphasize the importance of sunscreen if you know you’re going to be out in the sun for extended periods of time.
An easy and inexpensive way to get rid of discolored lips is to use what you already have in your pantry.
Baking Soda and Water

We all know that baking soda is a proven and effective ingredient when it comes to removing discoloration and whitening.
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with some water to create a paste and gently apply to lips in a circular motion. Leave on for about 10 to 15 minutes and wipe off with damp cloth.
Apply a balm with sunscreen right after like Burt’s Bees All Weather SPF15.
You can also add lemon juice with the water to speed up the results. The acidity from the lemon juice fights discoloration to reveal brighter, more even skin tone.

As you continue to do this overtime you will notice how your lips will start to get more even toned and less discolored and you get to feel more confident and beautiful.

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